Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Home Inspection?
A home inspection is a visual assessment of a property including major mechanical and electrical systems performed by a trained professional in accordance with industry standards. Hundreds of items and components are inspected. Some of the items typical inspected are plumbing, electrical, grading, roofing, and exterior, windows and doors, heating and air systems, the foundation and structure, and much more. A detailed, comprehensive computerized printed report of the property’s condition is provided at the end of the inspection. The report includes digital photos and a summary of findings.
Why Do I Need a Home Inspection?
A home inspection provides you with an unbiased, objective assessment of the property, including any safety concerns. This puts you in the best position to make a decision regarding your investment. If you are a seller, a pre-listing inspection gives you a blue print to maintenance items you might want to repair prior to the listing of your house. Showing perspective buyers the inspection and what items were fixed, provides them with added confidence in the quality and care you have taken of your home. Home buyers use a home inspection to gather additional information about the property to make an educated and well informed decision about the purchase. If a substantial problem is identified this gives buyers the opportunity to either negotiate or withdraw their offer. Understanding the condition of the property can provide peace of mind for both buyers and sellers.
What Items Are Inspected During a Home Inspection?
Abbott Home Inspections will provide you with a detailed computerized, easy-to-read report of all items inspected and detailed summary of any issues or defects.
Inspection consists of:
Lots & Grounds: grading/drainage, driveway, walks/steps, porches/stoops, decks/balcony, patio, retaining walls
Roof System: roof coverings, flashings/valleys, roof vents, roof penetrations, chimneys, skylights
Exterior: exterior surface/flashings/trim, eaves troughs/downspouts, soffit/fascia, doors, windows, exterior water faucet, exterior electrical, foundation, fences/gates
Garage: ceilings/walls, floor slab, door, auto opener, occupant door, roof, exterior surface, electrical
Attic/Interior Structure: framing/sheathing, ventilation, insulation, electrical
Interior Foundation: basement, framing/support/foundation, floor slab, crawl space
Electrical System: service entrance, main panel, sub panel, branch circuits (type: i.e., copper, aluminum, knob & tube), bonding/grounding, GFCI in panel, general wiring throughout house
Plumbing System: drains, vents, supply (type: i.e., copper, lead, galvanized), water heater, fuel and distribution, sump pit/pump, laundry facilities
Heating System/Air Conditioning: furnace/boiler/heat system, humidifier, draft vent, distribution of air, filter, blower, thermostat, gas fireplace/stove
Kitchen/Family/Dining Rooms/Bathrooms/Bedrooms: walls, ceilings, windows, doors, electrical, heating/air distribution, plumbing and plumbing fixtures, counters/cabinets
Steps/Stairways: handrails, guardrails, electrical, structure of steps
Any sheds, outbuildings or additional garage will be on an individual basis as requested by client.
The report will be available in print immediately after inspection and upon request, electronic version available following inspection.
Does the Home/Property Receive a PASS or Fail Grade?
No. A home inspection is an unbiased assessment and report based on the condition of a home at the time of inspection. A home/property cannot fail because any problem/issue can be repaired or remedied. It is simply an informational tool for you to use when evaluating a property and to use to make an educated, well informed decision about the purchase.
What is the Cost of an Inspection?
Cost of an inspection depends on a variety of factors, including size, type, and number of heating/cooling systems, age and location. An average single residential home under 2500 sq ft and under 60 years old would cost $375 plus taxes. Please visit our pricing page here for more details or contact us for an exact quote. Commercial and multi unit property inspections are quoted on an individual basis, please contact us with all your details so we can provide an accurate quote.
How long will the Inspection Take?
A completed, average single residential home inspection usually takes approximately 2 hours. Depending on size, age and condition of home, it may be less or more time. We recommend allowing us a 2.5 hour time frame in the house, to ensure that we can perform a thorough home inspection and to ensure we have answered and addressed all of your questions and concerns. Upon booking the inspection please provide a basic description of house so we may assess if more time would be required. At the end of the inspection, you will have your printed report in hand. NO WAITING FOR REPORT!
When Should I Schedule the Inspection?
If you are a buyer, you should schedule the inspection as soon as you have a signed contract in place and before closing. We understand that sometimes circumstances, such as, waiting for financing, can place a time restraint on the time to schedule a home inspection, therefore we can usually accommodate within a 24 to 48 hour period. We will make every effort to squeeze in your inspection; we know how important it is for your investment. If you are selling a property, consider a pre-listing inspection before putting the house on the market. This will give you time to consider making any necessary repairs to boost buyer’s confidence and help your home rise above the nearby competition.
Will the Inspector Recommend Professionals for any Necessary Repairs?
Depending on what is found during the inspection, we may recommend that you have specific components evaluated be a specialist/professional for possible updates or repairs. We may provide the names of three or more professionals in a specific field, if we have the necessary contacts. Over the years we have come across some very good and reputable professionals who are highly recommended by our previous clients, we will pass on those recommendations. Otherwise it is up to you to attain the necessary professionals to assess specific components. We do not endorse any one particular professional, nor do we receive any referral fees or “kickbacks” from recommending any one professional. Any professionals we recommend are merely suggestions to further investigate. Please take the time to research at least 3 professionals to provide you with estimates for any particular work required.
What is a Commercial Inspection?
A commercial inspection is a visual assessment of a property to help determine the current condition and safety of building. We determine for each client on an individual basis the scope required. Some of the items typically inspected are: plumbing, electrical, grading, roofing, siding, windows and doors, landscaping, parking lot, HVAC system, foundation and more. A comprehensive, computerized report is provided detailing the current conditions with digital photos of any issues found included. Report is typically prepared and ready on-site.